If you're like most women who feel stuck, there's just one thing standing in your way...

You know what it is—whether it's a challenging relationship, a deep-seated fear, or an unhealthy habit or addiction, this thing has been holding you back from living your fullest life.


But that changes today.


It's time to face it, overcome it, and step into your true power.

Discover How to Overcome Your Biggest Obstacles and Step Fully Into Your Woman Energy

*currently on sale


I know you’re ready to lead, to empower others, and to create real change.

But there’s that one thing that keeps holding you back. You’ve avoided it, worked around it, tried to ignore it, maybe even accept it and make peace with it... but it’s still there, keeping you from stepping into your full power.

I’ve been there! Two years ago, I shed more than just physical weight; I let go of old unhealthy habits that were keeping me small. And what I gained? Confidence, clarity, calm, and the ability to lead in ways I never imagined. At 54, I feel better than ever!

And now, this is your moment! I would be soooooo honored to help support you in dealing with whatever that thing is.

Let's Name it, Claim it, Grieve It, Release It. For once and for all. To unlock the courage to unleash your full potential.

I’ve mastered the process, and I’m here to help you do the same—so you can rise, empower others, and lead the movement you were born to lead.

Let’s do this together.

With courage,

Some of what we'll cover in the 6-Week Courage, Confidence & Effective Communication Course:

Module One - Build Your Roadmap

Identify and overcome the obstacles that are holding you back—whether it's self-sabotage, perfectionism, an unhealthy relationship, or a lingering bad habit. In this module, you'll craft a personalized roadmap that guides you step-by-step toward your desired goals, giving you clarity, focus, and actionable strategies to create lasting change.

Module Two - Your Self-Awareness

Develop a deep understanding of your emotions and how they shape your thoughts, actions, and experiences. In this module, you'll be guided to cultivate greater self-awareness, empowering you to recognize emotional triggers, respond rather than react, and make decisions that align with your true desires and goals.

Module Three - Your Courage Muscle

Discover that courage isn't the absence of fear but the ability to act despite it. In this module, you'll strengthen your "courage muscle"—building the psychological resilience needed to face challenges head-on. Through guided practices, you'll learn to ask  yourself, 'What would courage have me do?' and you'll do it!

Module Four - Learn a Growth Mindset

The opposite of fear is not fearlessness, it's confidence—it's about trusting yourself to take care of yourself. In this module, you'll cultivate a growth mindset that empowers you to embrace challenges as opportunities, see setbacks as valuable learning experiences, and build resilience. You'll retrain your brain to shift from self-doubt to self-belief.

Module Five - The Communication Scale

Expressing your true needs and desires can be challenging, often leading to self-limiting habits. In this module, you'll learn about the Communication Scale and the different communication styles that we all use, while gaining tools to break unhealthy patterns and communicate with confidence, clarity, and authenticity.

Module Six - The WOMAN Acronym

In our final module, you'll discover how to fully step into WOMAN Energy, empowering you to manifest your true desires. Learn how to face your biggest challenges with intention, master emotional management, and set new, healthy boundaries that align with your highest self. This is where transformation becomes a way of life.

This course is for YOU if you're ready to develop the "psychological courage" required for you to face that thing, deal with that thing, do that thing, or achieve that thing!

Catherine Hoesin

"Crystal Andrus Morissette has opened my eyes to a new way of looking at myself, my life, and how my inner world connects with my outer world. I'm truly grateful for her teachings and the wisdom she shares. Thanks to her, my confidence now matches the  person I've always known I am but struggled to be."

Kimberly Coots

"Words cannot express the deep heartfelt gratitude I have for you, Crystal. I literally have tears in my eyes as I write this because I'm so blown away by the profound impact you've had on my life and business. I was a successful corporate business leader who was unfulfilled and hiding my true self. Crystal helped me access the courage and confidence to be me and create a successful business and I left my corporate job!"

Eliza Lowther Hadley

"Crystal exudes vulnerable confidence. She doesn’t fake it til she makes it…she IS it. When she shares, she shares all of herself…even if she thinks it’s messy. Observing this authenticity from her has encouraged me to be confident in all my untidy glory. She sees you as you really are. Working with Crystal continues to be a safe place to be me and to grow in confidence."

Once you sign up, you'll get immediate access to the 6-week course, including this Getting Started Message from Crystal 

Yep, I want to sign up!

Brenda Teeter

"Investing in my healing journey with Crystal was the crucial stepping stone I needed to reclaim my authentic self. She helped me find the courage and confidence and to shine light on my fears. I am no longer revolving; I am evolving, growing and thriving and living my best life."

Perena Wasterfall

"Crystal was the bridge that took me from a domestic violence victim to a PhD student whilst supporting me to learn to manage the psychological processes I encountered as I developed my emotional intelligence. You start out aiming for your defined goal, you end up in a totally different place of strength with a 1000 more achievements."

Angelika Surmaczewska

"From being stuck in an unhealthy, abusive relationship and feeling like a victim, Crystal Andrus Morissette was able to shift me to more empowered emotions resonating in love and joy for myself, for others, and the world; the result is a more empowered, confident youa GODDESS!"

But WAIT...

along with all six modules of the Courage, Confidence + Empowered Communication Course, we have a surprise bonus! 

If you sign up today, you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course as a bonus!

This course sells for $797 + you'll get it today at no extra charge!

To learn more about EE 2.0, click here.


The 6-Week Courage, Confidence + Empowered Communication Course, along with the Emotional Edge 2.0 course is easily worth $1200, get it ALL now for only $147

*currently on sale

3 Payments of


Take 3 months + pay $177

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)

On Sale Today for One Payment of


Most Popular

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)

2 Payments of


Take 2 months + pay $158

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)

We stand by our work

By signing up, you'll feel safe in testing out the course to ensure you are 100% happy. If not, just give us a holler within 30 days, and we'll happily refund your money, no questions asked!


Who is Crystal?

From a turbulent and painful life growing up to coaching A-List celebrities and running an empire, Emotional Age and Communication Expert, Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation.

Now, at 53 years old, Crystal is able to reflect on her successes and struggles, and can help you, too, realize what your greatest joys are and how to create more of them in your life!

A six-time international best-selling author, Crystal is a media darling and has been featured on hundreds of TV shows, websites + podcasts, including Oprah.com. 

Crystal is not only the founder of Empowerment Coaching; she is also the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer) — an empowerment coach certification exclusively for women in over 45 countries. Crystal is certified in nutrition, sports medicine, and yoga.

On a more personal note, she's the mother to two gorgeous women — Madelaine & Julia Dantas — STARS in their own making, and grandma to Freya Bloom! She's married to her love, Aaron James Morissette, since 08/08/08. They live in Southern Ontario, Canada, with their fur babies and a flock of singing canaries in a fairy-tale-looking house!

Here is just some of where Crystal's been featured:

Jennifer Mann

"When I found Crystal, I thought my life was going well. I had no conflict, not much stress, my family seemed happy - I was a good mom because there was peace in my family. But I also had no joy, celebration, no romance… my past passions were all behind me. Crystal and the S.W.A.T. Institute helped me to see that I had numbed and disconnected from my emotions. With S.W.A.T., I was relieved to find a really safe and comfortable place to start to rediscover my Real Self. My courage and confidence started shining brighter, bit by bit. I embrace emotions now and it feels great! There were big adjustments for the people around me, but it slowly created a new level of joy in our home. I am forever grateful I followed the little whisper that told me to join S.W.A.T. even though I didn’t fully understand why in the moment. Thank you dear Crystal for sharing your innate wisdom with the women in this world. My healthy boundaries & brave confidence are my priorities because of you!"

Liz Nicholls

"Crystal changed my life. Through her coaching programs, retreats, calls and coaching I found my destiny in life! I own the business I have because of Crystal's coaching and suggestions! OMGosh! No words can explain how grateful I am for all Crystal does! XO Liz"

Theresa Crann

"Learning how to really navigate my emotions has been a game changer for me. I've learned how to dive deep into my shadow, connect with, express and release such deeply stored emotions in my body that were not fully processed from many life events. And I felt safe, supported and loved during the entire process. I learned how to properly empower others, and can now say goodbye to giving my own power away to past patterns of being a rescuer or enabler. I have come out the other side of the process more confident, more at peace, and more balanced. I am whole. I am all my flaws. I am perfectly imperfect. And I love who I am. If I drop into any shame, guilt, victimhood, or other old patterns, I now have the tools to keep my emotional storage tank regularly cleaned out. Crystal's courses are the ultimate in Self Care. Dive in and take the S.W.A.T. plunge! Seriously, it's the best course I've ever taken for myself!"


We have more for you!

Along with all six modules of The Courage, Confidence + Empowered Communication Course + the surprise bonus course: The Emotional Edge 2.0


If you sign up TODAY, you'll also get 3 more bonuses: 👇👇👇

 1. ✨ A 7th BONUS class ✨ 

devoted to EMPOWERING YOU WITH "POWER BODY MOVES" to help boost your courage-muscle by showing you how to sit, stand, and walk with more confidence! ✨✨ ✨

 2. ✨ A 15-minute SWAY (Simply Woman Accredited Yoga) class with Crystal ✨

will reconnect you with your body, mind, and spirit, reminding you how to silence the outside noise!✨✨ ✨ 

3. ✨ A Trigger-Busting Workshop 

where you can witness Crystal taking a client through a ten-step process that will help you face the people who trigger you and neutralize the feeling of being triggered in your body!  ✨✨ ✨

Yes, I want it ALLLLLLLLLL! Sign me up!

Are you ready to Unleash Your Potential with Courage, Confidence + Empowered Communication?


If you say yes, this bundle is for YOU!

A course of this level + ALL THE BONUSES is easily worth close to $1500 and we're offering it to you today at such a low price of only $147

*currently on sale

3 Payments of


Take 3 months + pay $177

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)
  • A 7th BONUS class devoted to EMPOWERING YOU WITH "POWER BODY MOVES" that will help boost your confidence
  • A 15-minute SWAY (Simply Woman Accredited Yoga) class with Crystal will reconnect you in body, mind, and spirit.
  • A Trigger-Busting Workshop where you can witness Crystal taking a client through a ten-step process that will help you face the people who trigger you and neutralize the feeling of being triggered in your body
  • The Ten-Step Trigger Process as a PDF
  • 30 percent off one-on-one coaching with Crystal if you're looking for a more private and intimate connection.
  • Chat with Crystal LIVE on the first Friday of every month at 1 pm ET / 11 am PT to receive personal empowerment coaching with Crystal. You will stay anonymous during this call. It is audio-only. 

One-Time Payment


Most Popular

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)
  • A 7th BONUS class devoted to EMPOWERING YOU WITH "POWER BODY MOVES" that will help boost your confidence
  • A 15-minute SWAY (Simply Woman Accredited Yoga) class with Crystal will reconnect you in body, mind, and spirit.
  • A Trigger-Busting Workshop where you can witness Crystal taking a client through a ten-step process that will help you face the people who trigger you and neutralize the feeling of being triggered in your body
  • The Ten-Step Trigger Process as a PDF
  • 30 percent off one-on-one coaching with Crystal if you're looking for a more private and intimate connection.
  • Chat with Crystal LIVE on the first Friday of every month at 1 pm ET / 11 am PT to receive personal empowerment coaching with Crystal. You will stay anonymous during this call. It is audio-only. 

2 Payments of


Take 2 months + pay $158

  • Six strategically designed video modules to help you develop courage, confidence + empowered communication skills so you can face that thing and deal with it for once and for all — this alone is life-changing + priceless (over six hours of video content)
  • The step-by-step process Crystal used to lose over 50 pounds + give up the wine
  • The Real You Guided Meditation
  • The Strength Meditation (+ song by Natalie Hughes)
  • Healing the Feeling Guided Meditation + Burning Ritual
  • The Map of Consciousness 
  • The Emotional Scale with descriptions
  • The Empowerment Spectrum + Communication Scale 
  • The Personal Values List 
  • A private section in each lesson for students ONLY to ask Crystal any question and get personalized feedback from Crystal 
  • A 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee if you're not 100% satisfied 
  • BONUS: Sign up today, and you'll also get Crystal's Emotional Edge 2.0 Course (all nine modules worth $797 at no additional charge)
  • A 7th BONUS class devoted to EMPOWERING YOU WITH "POWER BODY MOVES" that will help boost your confidence
  • A 15-minute SWAY (Simply Woman Accredited Yoga) class with Crystal will reconnect you in body, mind, and spirit.
  • A Trigger-Busting Workshop where you can witness Crystal taking a client through a ten-step process that will help you face the people who trigger you and neutralize the feeling of being triggered in your body
  • The Ten-Step Trigger Process as a PDF
  • 30 percent off one-on-one coaching with Crystal if you're looking for a more private and intimate connection.
  • Chat with Crystal LIVE on the first Friday of every month at 1 pm ET / 11 am PT to receive personal empowerment coaching with Crystal. You will stay anonymous during this call. It is audio-only. 

You're ready! Let's do this!

Sign up for the 6-Week Courage, Confidence + Communication Course and get over a $1500 in BONUS GIFTS, including all nine modules of the Emotional Edge 2.0!