๐ŸŽฌ Watch Episode 7: When Enough is Never Enough: Food Addiction and Recovery

empowerment food addiction food serenity simplywoman.tv simplywomantv Sep 21, 2022

I am so excited to welcome certified Food Addiction Counselor, Sandra Elia to SimplyWoman.TV for this informative episode called ๐ŸŽฌ SimplyWoman.TV - Episode 7:๐ŸดWhen Enough is Never Enough: Food Addiction and Recovery.

 Tune in as we chat and Sandra shares:

๐Ÿ™ Her own story of recovering from obesity and food addiction

๐Ÿ™ Defining food addiction for you

๐Ÿ™ What trigger foods are and how eliminating trigger foods can lead to food serenity  


A Bit About Sandra:

Sandra Elia is a Certified Food Addiction Counselor and a pioneer in the field of addictive eating. Her expertise has brought about partnerships with Canada's top obesity and addiction doctors, and her Food Addiction Recovery Program has yielded tremendous success.

Patients report improved health, improved sense of well-being, most importantly, changing their relationship with food. Sandra runs Canada's only outpatient Food Addiction Recovery Program in medical clinics across Canada. She co-created Canada's first 28-day residential treatment program for food addiction at Renascent Addiction Rehab Centre in Toronto.

Sandra Elia knows firsthand the struggle of living with obesity. She has lived two lives: one as a woman living as a morbidly obese woman for 15 years. She experienced a world that was not made for her size, seeking assistance from biased healthcare providers, and dealing with fat-shaming. Since those difficult days, Sandra has transformed her life and her body, losing over 100 pounds over 18 years.

Sandra is dedicated to changing the conversation so that anyone living with elevated weight has access to treatment that is steeped with dignity, respect, and understanding.


You can connect directly with Sandra:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandraelia.ca/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/foodaddictionprogram 

Website: https://sandraelia.com/ 


If you want to join the conversation live with me >>>

Head on over to my FB page every Tuesday at 12 pm PT/ 3 pm ET: https://www.facebook.com/CrystalAndrusMorissette. If you liked this conversation, we'd love it if you'd leave us a comment there and let us know what you think!

Thanks for being here!



P.S. The intro/outro music is by my lifelong best friend and the most talented musician I know, Natalie Hughes: http://nataliehughes.com/

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