Crystal's Books
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Hey, there!
Apart from being the founder of this incredible school, the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), I'm also the author of six best-selling books I wrote to help empower women in all areas of their lives.Â
Some of these books are part of our Master Empowerment Coach Certification, along with some others by amazing, hand-selected authors.Â
I hope my books provide some encouragement, love, empowerment, and breakthroughs in your life. And that you never forget how powerful and worthy you are.
Crystal Andrus Morissette
Browse Books"Crystal Andrus has overcome a personal story that would leave many feeling victimized and small. She has not only risen to become a dynamic, passionate, and empowered woman, she has carefully crafted a how-to manual for the rest of us to follow! If you are ready to become the hero of your own life, this book will get you there! Simply...EMPOWEREDÂ is one of this year's must-reads!"
- Debbie Ford, the #1 New York Times best-selling author of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers

"Crystal helps her clients understand where they may be stuck, how passive communication is limiting the outcomes of their life and gives concrete exercises to unlocking their potential. I have done a significant amount of personal work and extensive education in the area of self-development. The Emotional Edge is one of the best self-help books I have read. Well done, Crystal.”
- Silken Laumann, 4x Olympic Champion
Crystal's Books

The 12-Week Body-Mind-Soul Total Transformation Program
Simply ... Woman! is a week-by-week body/mind/soul total transformation program that encompasses every facet of a woman's life. From her daily demands and frustrations to her wants, needs, and fears, this revolutionary plan elevates the experience of weight loss far beyond the physical. Effectively empowering women to take back control of their health, discover their passion, override their fears, and create a life filled with joy and serenity, Simply ... Woman! will truly transform your life from the inside out! Crystal's first book and still her baby!

The Emotional Edge
Discover Your Inner Age, Ignite Your Hidden Strengths, and Reroute Misdirected Fear to Live Your Fullest
The Emotional Edge empowers you to stop reacting in knee-jerk ways that hurt and instead start expanding your life to become the greatest expression of you possible. Once you know your Emotional Age, you can take those needed steps to become an authentic adult, so you stop giving your power away. You can take Crystal's Emotional Age Quiz on, click here.Â

Transcendent Beauty
It Begins with a Single Be!
The transcendently beautiful have an inner beacon that’s brilliantly lit and brimming with bliss. They’ve learned how to attract light while calming the ego—knowing that when the mind abides by the soul, the body, in turn, is connected to this knowingness, and transcendent beauty follows. Such people live in harmony—their health is abundant, their bodies are agile and fit, and their minds are vibrant and inspired. And while most people talk about attractiveness as being merely physical, true beauty definitely comes from the soul. Transcendent Beauty will take you on a journey where you’ll see how easy it can be to shine yourself. One day without warning a shift will occur, and you’ll suddenly realize that you’re no longer trying to be beautiful—you are!

Simply... EMPOWERED!
Discover How to CREATE and SUSTAIN Success in Every Area of Your Life​​​​​​​
In this inspiring book, best-selling author Crystal Andrus reveals that you’re not who you’ve been—you are the potential of who you will become. And you can become anyone you choose to be. You are the co-creator of your destiny! Whether or not you realize it, your actions and reactions will either blow you out into the stormy seas of life or steer you toward the most wonderful adventures you could ever dream of. The choice is yours.

Stories From 30 Magnificent Women Who Have Risen Against The Odds
Simply... Woman: Stories From 30 Magnificent Women Who Have Risen Against The Odds is a powerfully moving compilation of women's experiences from all over the globe. From Canada and the USA to Liberia Africa, Palestine, the UK, and the Netherlands, each woman in this collection was selected by Andrus Morissette for her honesty and strength. Although every one of these writers could have filled an entire book with their incredible life stories, this book represents as many of the different lived experiences that women routinely face and overcome. Each chapter uncovers a different journey from pain and suffering to wisdom and truth. These stories will give you the inspiration, faith, and desire needed to channel your pain and suffering into your greatness. #TogetherWeRise #TimesUp #MeToo
“Crystal brilliantly explains how our attempts to bottle up feelings of shame, guilt, blame, denial, fear, and anger trigger us to contract into the smallness of who we become when we aren’t our authentic Self. By utilizing Emotional Archetypes to explain the parts of our psyche, she offers prescriptive techniques that bring about the healing process. My sister, Debbie, would be so proud of you, Crystal."
-Â Arielle Ford, Love & Relationship Expert, Best-Selling AuthorÂ

“The Emotional Edge is a wake-up call for anyone who is ready to step out of the limitations of their life and into their infinite possibilities. Exceptionally compelling . . . Crystal Andrus Morissette delivers insight and interventions that are more than simply helpful; they are life-changing in their clarity and wisdom. I think this work is going to be a game-changer for the world and for women."
- Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., NYT Bestselling Author​​​​​​​
"In her passionate, inspiring books, Crystal Andrus encourages readers to take responsibility for the quality of their lives, then gives them tools to do just that.”
- Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., director of graduate studies, psychology professor, Yale University; and NYT Bestselling Author

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