Come ready to feel an incredible emotional shift during the Ten-Step Trigger Process:

An Experiential Workshop

with best-selling author + founder of "Empowerment Coaching," 
Crystal Andrus Morissette

Grab Your Spot

Wish you could witness a real coaching call?

During this free interactive and experiential workshop, Crystal takes her client Katy through a profound 10-step process for releasing her trigger with a loved one. This is an hour of healing, wonder, and incredible coaching!

We'll be covering:

1) What an emotional trigger is

2) Why we experience triggers

3) A 10-step process to deal with any person who triggers you

Get ready to be in awe of how our empowerment coaching works so effortlessly! Tune in now!

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Here are some signs you may be experiencing triggers...

Have you ever found yourself feeling like need to escape or get away from a situation? Maybe it makes you feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, or speechless. 


Does a particular person in your life say things that for some reason make you feel upset or angry? Maybe your heart begins to race, or you feel like you're about to burst into tears—and you're not sure why those words or why this person is so triggering to you.
Maybe you feel like your boundaries aren't being respected or your words aren't being heard, and as a result you feel defensive or angry. Maybe intrusive thoughts or memories begin to arise.

Imagine this instead...

You feel such a deep understanding and self-love for yourself. You feel a newfound confidence knowing that you can handle any person or situation with much more ease, while honoring your Self, your values, and what you really want. 

Rather than being stuck in a people-pleasing loop, you create more win-win situations, and quiet the inner dialogue that keeps you angry, hurt, or stuck. 

You're able to accept things in others and learn to love all of the parts of yourself, while feeling far less triggered by words, different personalities, the people around you, and situations that may arise.

During the 10-Step Trigger Process, Crystal will be taking you through a process to help heal your triggers so you can start to move towards a more peaceful life...

Sign up for the free workshop

Katy Gaffney

"Wow...after this ONE empowerment coaching process with Crystal, I felt like something just lifted! It feels really good! And the next time I know I have to be somewhere where 'the person' who most triggers me is going to be, I won’t feel like I’ve got to be in a protective mood for myself. I think I know I can trust myself and if I need to stick up for myself that’s what I’ll do!"

Don't miss out on this free incredible workshop: The 10-Step Process to Heal Your Triggers

Pop in your name and email and get instant access now! 

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Who is Crystal?

International best-selling author, Emotional Age and Communication Expert, international Master Empowerment Coach (with clients in over 30 countries), and women’s advocate, Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. She is the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer), Crystal is the author of several best-selling books, including The Emotional Edge featured on She is also certified in nutrition, sports medicine, and yoga. 

Crystal is the founder, CEO, and lead professor at The S.W.A.T. Institute.