Are You Ready to Lose Weight?

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Psychologists say that there are three stages to change:

  1. The thinking about thinking about changing
  2. The thinking about changing
  3. Changing

Why don’t you take this simple 5-question Readiness Quiz to help you recognize which stage of change you’re at? 

Simply pop in your name and email and head over to your inbox to get the written quiz. 

If you're ready to take the next step and finally not only lose the weight but lose your preoccupation with the weight, we have just the thing...

I'm not just the teacher, I'm also a client! 

From the desk of Crystal Andrus Morissette

Twenty years ago, I self-published my first book, Simply…Woman!; the 12-Week Body-Mind-Soul Total Transformation Program, and a year later, it was picked up by Hay House Publishing. It became an international bestseller. Documenting my weight loss journey after weighing over 200 pounds during my two pregnancies back-to-back in the mid-90s, I offered a step-by-step prescriptive guide to help other women lose weight and feel great. 

In 2006, Chapters/Coles/Indigo polled 40,000 readers on which book most influenced their life and Simply…Woman! came in at #14, ahead of many of my mentors, including my publisher, Louise Hay, and her book, You Can Heal Your Life.

I was in shock.

Since then, I've written four more books, opened an international coaching school exclusively for women, plus put on destination retreats in world-class stops: Aruba, Italy, Sedona, and more.

I created a concept called Emotional Age and the Empowerment Spectrum, and you can find my Emotional Age Quiz on

The most baffling part might have been why after keeping the weight off for nearly 20 years, I would weigh over 200 pounds again.

Note: If you look at the dates in the bottom three photos, you'll see I was tipping the scales at 203 pounds in September and October of 2022 when I decided to take better care of myself . . . like NOW. It's incredible how much we can change when ready and with the right energy!

Now, over 50 pounds lighter in less than 6 months, I'm ready to be my BEST SELF yet + live my best life.

Menopause is not about getting older; it's about getting bolder, brighter, lighter, louder, prouder, and more confident and self-loving than ever before!

Crystal Andrus Morissette

"I’m the first person to fight fat shaming; I want all women to be comfortable with their bodies, but this movement to be comfortable with our bodies at all costs has made us comfortable with being sick. By the time I was turning 50, my body was in pain, aching, tiredness, heartburn, and perimenopause. Hot flashes, weight gain. The works. You name it, I was feeling it. And that was NO WAY to live! It was time to take back my power, my health, my dreams, and needs. It was my time! The good news is that I've lost weight almost effortlessly over the past five months, and I'm ready to share it with you."

What is included in


Four Incredible 90-Minute Classes + 8 written lessons

Four recorded 90-minute classes with Crystal are structured to help you shift higher emotionally, mentally and physically. Included in every class are two lessons, along with homework prompts to help you deepen your understanding of this profoundly-powerful and brand-new content. 

Safety, Support, Confidentiality + Community

Our private community with our learning platform as well as a private Facebook group for members-only, provides you with an incredibly safe place to do the work alongside other like-minded women who are ready to not only lose the weight but lose their preoccupation with the weight.

A Practical New Psychology for Weight Loss

Rather than taking old concepts and philosophies and repackaging or re-purposing them, Crystal has created a brand-new psychology around weight loss that incorporates archetype and shadow work along with understanding how trauma impacts the body. It's brilliant!

Class One: Get to know your Mother Energy + why she is afraid for you to lose weight​​​​​​​

Your Mother Energy is the selfless part of you that gives, protects, and serves. It is the archetype that drives you to sacrifice your own needs for the needs of others. In many women, their Mother Energy manifests as "the Chubby Bubby."

In an honest moment, the Chubby Bubbies would profess that, although looking thin appears to be the goal, “being thin” feels too vulnerable. This archetype has a certain sense of strength that they believe is rarely witnessed in thin, overly emotional people—people who feel too much!

Chubby Bubbies prefer to call themselves “Emotional Eaters” when, in fact, this archetype’s struggle has less to do with food and more to do with cortisol—the body’s stress hormone. “Stress” is their middle name, and although Chubby Bubbies have learned how to numb most of it by not feeling, they can’t fool their physical body, hormones, and metabolism.

In this first lesson, we explore the concept of Mother Energy or the Parent Archetype and why you have chosen her as your Dominant Emotional Age.

Class Two: Learn the facts about weight loss, physiology and how your body works 

We’ve been manipulated and lied to while we’re sold foods that are highly addictive by design to light up the pleasure part of our brain and create food addiction. And we’re eating them. In fact, we can’t stop, and it's NOT OUR FAULT.

Not to mention, the lies, myths, and misconceptions around weight loss, calories, carbs, fats, metabolism, and exercise are at an all-time high (again, designed to confuse us). 

The truth is, I was a nutritionist who’d written an international bestselling weight loss book and five others on empowerment, confidence, beauty, and energy, and I was feeling so confused by the barrage of new dieting information and claims. I was overwhelmed with conflicting opinions and theories. I couldn’t even imagine what the average woman who wasn’t a nutritionist was feeling. 

During our second class, we'll debunk all the lies while showing you the simple, easy steps you can incorporate into your daily routine to lose weight and feel great. 

Class Three: Body, Mind + Emotions and integrating all three is the only way to lose weight + keep it off

Your body is your Secret Keeper, talking to you 24/7. As Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D., author of The Body Keeps Score, writes, “In order to change, people need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them. Physical self-awareness is the first step in releasing the tyranny of the past.” 

The real problem is that we've been taught to resist every "negative" emotion, feeling, or even physical pain because we think we can’t deal with it. It’s as though we build a dam around our hearts and do our best to hold everything in. But all those pent-up emotions start squirting out in places where we didn’t intend to manifest, causing weight gain, physical pain, eating disorders, illness, and exhaustion.

In this lesson, we learn how to dismantle the wall, piece by piece, to allow all of our feelings, needs, desires, and wants to exist. And here’s a secret: when we aren’t working so hard to bottle the bad feelings up, we are able to experience joy, peace, and the sweetness of life.

Class Four: Resetting Your Nervous System

Much has been talked about and explored in the past few years around stress, trauma, and the Vagus nerve.

The Vagus nerve, also called “The Wanderer,” is the longest cranial nerve in the body, beginning in the brain and extending to the pelvic area and rectum. It is part of the autonomic (think “automatic”) side of your nervous system. It is often called the second brain as it is connected to our gut instincts. We feel everything in our bodies, especially stress.

In this final class, we better understand how the Vagus nerve influences not only our emotions and brain health but the never-ending struggle so many women have with their weight, gut health, hormones, and relationship with food and body image.

You'll have some tangible ways to reset your nervous system to feel more emotionally regulated and calmer; plus, you'll enjoy some powerful written and meditative processes to help you access your Real Self and to show up in your Woman Energy every day in every way, everywhere you go! YOU GOT THIS!

“Crystal Andrus has penned a magical book inviting us to remember and honor the truest essence of being a woman—sure, proud, real, confident, courageous, humble, and wise. This insightful book reminds us of ancient sacred wisdom, delivering it beautifully to be reflected in a modern woman’s eyes and integrated into her heart. The Emotional Edge is a must read for any woman who has struggled with owning her own authenticity and power. I highly recommend this book!”
~ Colette Baron-Reid, The Oracle, Bestselling Author​​​​
Based on Crystal Andrus Morissette's international bestselling book, The Emotional Edge, this interactive course is a practical new psychology that will show you how to lose weight and feel great without dieting, giving up your favorite foods, or following any weight-loss gimmicks! Instead, you'll discover how your Emotional Age is affecting your health, weight, energy, appetite, hormones, and physical body. It's brilliant!

What participants have to say about

Tricia Willow

The Emotional Edge Method (EEM) for Weight Loss was well worth the money and time spent. Invest in yourself - you will not regret it.

My story may be yours. I have put on extra weight (30lbs) due to a variety of factors - inactivity during Covid, depression, and chronic knee pain. While I’m not knocking the many diets and plans out there - they just didn’t make sense to me. “Just eat meat - vegetables no longer have nutrients because of old soil.” “Buy and take these expensive supplements- they’ll fix you.” “Just eat fat - the weight will fall off you.” “Only eat for 4 hours a day”. “Don’t eat dairy, wheat, nightshades” seriously? Yet I tried most, and nothing delivered sustainable results. And I was miserable.

The EEM provides emotional guidance and safe advice that will change the way you look at yourself and your relationship with food and healthy eating. There will be work to do along the way. You must do the work to get results. It will take time - it’s a journey to becoming a healthier you. I promise that the women you meet virtually who are taking the course with you will be your biggest supporters. Our stories and challenges are often similar. Crystal Andrus Morissette is a strong leader dedicated to helping women become their best selves. I cannot thank Crystal enough. With love and gratitude, Trish

Nicole La Roche

When I joined The Emotional Edge Method (EEM) for Weight Loss, I already knew that I wanted to get back in shape and live my best life. Being in my 50s, I needed to bring a different perspective, energy and approach to these goals than I would have used when I was younger. I thought this self-love journey would be extremely complicated and, dare I say, near impossible to pursue, but after following the different lessons, attending the live classes weekly, and connecting with the supportive community members, I learned how to take an honest, kinder, more holistic and simplified approach to make the positive changes I needed - not only on the scales but also with how I'm loving myself and cultivating mindful and healthier habits to help me enjoy my life today and beyond. As an extra side bonus, I've released nearly 20 pounds ALMOST effortlessly! 

Kristina Berry

I signed up for Crystal’s Emotional Edge Method (EEM) for Weight Loss because my husband had just died a few months prior, and all of my childhood insecurities about my worthiness and the state of my body reared their ugly heads. Working with different parts of my psyche helped me to really get to the root of all the weight I had gained. I was desperately in need of daily practices that nourished my spirit. Just walking, drinking water and staying under a reasonable amount of daily calories without limiting WHAT I ate helped me drop eight pounds right away. I felt that maybe, just maybe, it would be possible to reveal the Real Me and feel SAFE ENOUGH to do so. It’s still a process, but I have an amazing new way of being that I’m grateful for. I highly recommend this course to anyone who has felt stuck for years or self-sabotaging. The Emotional Edge Method gives me hope that I can trust ME to take good care of me.

Where this work has been featured

Crystal's work on Emotional Age has been featured in hundreds of media outlets around the world, including the United States, Canada, the UK, Australia, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, and more. In fact, you can take the Emotional Age Quiz on

Take Crystal's Emotional Age Quiz here on Oprah!

Listen to what past participants from the original Emotional Edge Course have to say...


Want the Emotional Edge Method Weight Loss Course right now?

Get instant access to:
  • Four A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 90-minute classes with Crystal filled with so many incredible teachings, insights, and coaching on the spot.
  • A free digital copy of Crystal's bestselling book, Simply...Woman: The 12-Week Body-Mind-Soul Total Transformation Program.
  • Access to Crystal's Tight & Toned workout (if you want to add this exercise component, although it's not required).
  • 8 specially-designed lessons created to help you implement the Emotional Edge Method into your life in an easy and sustainable way.
  • Learn how to do Shadow Work in the most profound and easily accessible way to gleam insight into what your Chubby Bubby wants and needs and how you can help her let go of the reins and let YOUThe Real Yourun your life.
  • Witness a powerful coaching session and new coaching process to help you heal your deepest wounds and stop being triggered by people.
  • A beautiful guided meditation to help you discover who the "Real You" is.
  • A private members-only Facebook groupa beautiful community where you can share, ask questions, and be supported through not only your weight-loss journey but as you reach new levels in your personal discovery, self-love, and inner healing.
  • And if you're not on Facebook, no worries. We also have a private community within the S.W.A.T. Library for only those women taking this course. Leave a comment, and Crystal will respond there in a fully private setting.
  • And lots, lots more!

Take your time and soak everything up, or binge the course like your favorite Netflix series. It's up to you!

is a practical new psychology that women are LOVING!

We got you, and you got this!

A course of this caliber could easily sell for hundreds of dollars.

Get The Emotional Edge Method for only $59

Paid in full. Taxes Included

Get instant access now for only $59

Who is Crystal Andrus Morissette?

From a turbulent and painful life growing up to coaching A-List celebrities and running an empire, Emotional Age and Communication Expert, Crystal Andrus Morissette is a worldwide leader in the field of self-discovery and personal transformation. Now, at 52-years-old, Crystal is able to reflect on her successes and struggles and can help you, too, realize what your greatest joys are and how to create more of them in your life!

A five-time international best-selling author, Crystal is a media darling and has been featured on hundreds of TV shows, websites, and podcasts, including 

Crystal is also the founder of the S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer) — an empowerment coach certification exclusively for women in over 45 countries. The S.W.A.T. Institute is rated #1 on Google globally for "empowerment coaching". Crystal is also certified in nutrition, sports medicine, and yoga.

On a more personal note, she's the mother to two gorgeous women — Madelaine & Julia Dantas — STARS in their own making! And she's married to her love, Aaron James Morissette. They live in Southern Ontario, Canada, with their fluffy white dog, Max, Lulu the kitty, and a flock of singing canaries!

“Crystal brilliantly explains how our attempts to bottle up feelings of shame, guilt, blame, denial, fear, and anger trigger us to contract into the smallness of who we become when we aren’t our authentic Self. By utilizing Emotional Archetypes to explain the parts of our psyche, she offers prescriptive techniques that bring about the healing process. My sister, Debbie, would be so proud of you, Crystal."
- Arielle Ford, Relationship + Self-Help Guru ​​​​​​​
"Crystal helps her clients understand where they may be stuck, how passive communication is limiting the outcomes of their life and gives concrete exercises to unlocking their potential. I have done a significant amount of personal work and extensive education in the area of self-development. "The Emotional Edge" is one of the best self-help books I have read. Well done, Crystal.”
- Silken Laumann, 4x Olympic Champion​​​​​​​

Want the Emotional Edge Method Weight Loss Course right now?

Get instant access to:
  • Four A-M-A-Z-I-N-G 90-minute classes with Crystal filled with so many incredible teachings, insights, and coaching on the spot.
  • A free digital copy of Crystal's bestselling book, Simply...Woman: The 12-Week Body-Mind-Soul Total Transformation Program.
  • Access to Crystal's Tight & Toned workout (if you want to add this exercise component, although it's not required).
  • 8 specially-designed lessons created to help you implement the Emotional Edge Method into your life in an easy and sustainable way.
  • Learn how to do Shadow Work in the most profound and easily accessible way to gleam insight into what your Chubby Bubby wants and needs and how you can help her let go of the reins and let YOUThe Real Yourun your life.
  • Witness a powerful coaching session and new coaching process to help you heal your deepest wounds and stop being triggered by people.
  • A beautiful guided meditation to help you discover who the "Real You" is.
  • A private members-only Facebook groupa beautiful community where you can share, ask questions, and be supported through not only your weight-loss journey but as you reach new levels in your personal discovery, self-love, and inner healing.
  • And if you're not on Facebook, no worries. We also have a private community within the S.W.A.T. Library for only those women taking this course. Leave a comment, and Crystal will respond there in a fully private setting.
  • And lots, lots more!

Take your time and soak everything up, or binge the course like your favorite Netflix series. It's up to you!

is a practical new psychology that women are LOVING!

We got you, and you got this!

A course of this caliber could easily sell for hundreds of dollars.

Get The Emotional Edge Method for only $59

Paid in full. Taxes Included

Get instant access now for only $59